Student's View

The Moomin Language School user interface is designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible from the student's (child's) perspective. Under the student's account there are only three different views:

  • Week View is the first page the student will see after selecting their account in the student menu.
  • Exercise View is the view that is shown once the student selects an exercise in the Week View.
  • Chapter Menu can be accessed through the top right corner of the Week View. Here you can navigate quickly through the curriculum content.

Week View

  • The student mode progresses one exercise at a time from left to right. A new study unit is made available every weekday, but Day 1 must be completed before Day 2 is unlocked.
  • Each screen represents one week. Each week has a theme and an index number (1).
  • You can access a study unit by clicking the thumbnail picture (2).
  • If a study unit has a lock (3) on it, it means the previous study unit has not been completed yet.
  • If a study unit has a clock (4) on it, it means that the group has not progressed that far yet. Only one exercise is made available each day.
  • Each week has five daily study units and four additional Extras (5) that can be accessed any time during the week.
  • You can move to the next or previous week by swiping left or right, or by clicking the navigation arrow (6).
Student's week view

Downloading Study Units

  • If the study unit has not been used for a while (or when in Access All Materials mode, not used before), it may have download symbol on it. That means it must be downloaded before it becomes available. Tap on download symbol on study unit that you want to access and the download will start.
Downloading study units requires internet connection.
"Download" arrow

Exercise View

  1. The line indicates how many tasks there are in this exercise.
  2. Here you can re-listen to the pronounced word or sentence.
  3. The star meter indicates the points the child has received during the exercise.
  4. Here you can go back to the Week View.
  5. By pressing the clock, you can see how much playtime the child has left (here 9min, 27sec).
Example of the content in an exercise

Chapter Menu

  • You can navigate in content quickly by using the chapter menu in the top right corner.
Chapter menu button
  • Here you can see full chapters and move to another week by clicking it.
  • Each chapter has 4-5 weeks.
Chapter menu

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