Other Supporting Materials

Other Supporting Materials

Here are other supplementary print materials that can help you to organize the use of Moomin Language School and give kudos to your students.

Player List

This list can help you keep track of the daily use of the learning application. You can laminate it for reusability: tick the boxes with a non-permanent marker throughout the week, then wipe the markings off to use again the following week!


Sticker Book

You can use this sticker book if you want to reward your students with stickers at the end of playful lessons for their attendance and participation during the lesson. You can use any stickers you have, or a stamp or even a small drawing.


Look How I've Learned!

In case your students need more encouragement or help with accountability when it comes to the learning application, you can use these cards to reward them with a sticker after each activity in the application, or simply to mark which activities they have done.

Look How I’ve Learned2226.0KB

Support for Classroom Management

The Playful Lesson Promises can help you to agree on common rules with the children - feel free to add your own to them! The Daily Routines can help you to communicate the different daily activities at the kindergarten.

MLS-Playful Lesson Promises.pdf136.9KB
MLS-Daily Routines.pdf788.0KB

Additional Information

In case your students need more encouragement or help with accountability when it comes to the learning application, you can use these cards to reward them with a sticker after each activity in the application, or simply to mark which activities they have done.

MLS Learning Path & Starting Levels.pdf1628.8KB
MLS Curriculum Overview.pdf78.7KB

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