Exporting Usage Data

Administrators have diverse requirements when it comes to the way they want to look at how Moomin Language School is being used within their organization. Therefore, we have chosen to provide the relevant usage data in CSV-format so that each organization can process the data using the tools and means that fit their individual needs.

There are two different data sets available for exports: scores data, and user data. In short, the scores data tells you each time the students in your organization have used the mobile app during the chosen time period, whereas the user data tells you the most recent login and usage data of users in your organization. You can find more information and instructions for each data set below.

Note that you need admin privileges to Moomin Language School to be able to export these data.

Scores Data Export

A single score is generated when a student completes one exercise unit (i.e. daily study unit, a weekly extra exercise, or a chapter test). With scores data export you can export all scores recorded within the organization during the selected time period.

Exporting Scores Data

  1. In your web browser, go to our Webtool (https://tools.moominls.com) and log in with your admin credentials.
  2. 🇨🇳
    If you are using our service in China, go to https://tools.foxling.com.cn.
  3. After logging in, go to ORGANIZATION in the top navigation bar.go to ORGANIZATION in the top navigation bar.
  4. Click "Advanced actions" in the center of the page.
  5. Select the start date and the end date of the data set you want to export.
  6. Click EXPORT SCORES (.CSV FILE) to start exporting and downloading the data.
If you have a large organization and you select a long time span for the export, generating the .csv file might take several minutes.
Exporting scores data

Contents of the Scores Data Export

The downloaded .csv file - "mls-score-export.csv" - can be opened e.g. in any version of MS Excel for further processing. The contents of the scores data .csv file are explained in the following table.

Scores data csv


name of the organization / sub-organization where the score was recoded


nickname of the student whose score was recorded


email address associated (if any) with the student whose score was recorded


the exercise to which the score relates


timestamp of when the score was generated, recoded by the mobile device, in ISO 8601 format


number of wrong answers recorded from the exercise


number of right answers recorded from the exercise


time, in seconds, spent for completing the exercise

dsu stands for Daily Study Unit. DSU indexing uses following notation: W = week of the exercise, D = day of the exercise (1-5 = main exercises, 100-104 = additional exercises) CT = chapter test For example W1D1 stands for week 1, day 1.

User data export

With user data export you can export records of all user accounts within your organization. In addition to basic user account information, this data set contains recent login and usage information of each user account.

Exporting User Data

  1. In your web browser, go to our Webtool (https://tools.moominls.com) and log in with your admin credentials.
  2. 🇨🇳
    If you are using our service in China, go to https://tools.foxling.com.cn.
  3. After logging in, go to ORGANIZATION in the top navigation bar.
  4. Click "Advanced options" in the center of the page.
  5. Click EXPORT STUDENTS (.CSV FILE) to start exporting and downloading the data.
Exporting users data

Contents of User Data Export

The downloaded .csv file - "mls-user-export.csv" - can be opened e.g. in any version MS Excel for further processing. The contents of the user data .csv file are explained in the following table.

User data export csv


name of the user's sub-organization


name of user's group (if any)


nickname of the user


email address associated with the user account (if any)


type of the user account (i.e. student, teacher or admin)


number of scores recorded from the user during the past 30 days


TRUE if the user's credentials have been used to log in to the mobile app or Webtool within the last 30 days. NB! if the student only uses the learning application through the teacher's account, this value will always remain FALSE.


When a user account is deleted, the date of deletion is shown in this field. The user account will remain in our databases for 30 days from the date of the delete. After that all personal data associated with the user account will be permanently and irrevocably erased from our databases.


timestamp of the last recorded score by the user, recorded by the mobile device, in ISO 8601 format


the latest recorded exercise

dsu stands for Daily Study Unit. DSU indexing uses following notation: W = week of the exercise, D = day of the exercise (1-5 = main exercises, 100-104 = additional exercises) CT = chapter test For example W1D1 stands for week 1, day 1.

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